Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today was my first day of school and besides all the crazy emotions that go behind that...I had even more worries on my mind. This morning, my dad talked to me about working at something I am good at. He explained how I just work at something that will maintain with me for the rest of my life. For those who don't know, other than writing....acting is my passion. I love how I feel when I'm on stage and there's nothing better than acting like some imaginable character. However, my volleyball schedule this year is proufoundly contradicting with my acting time. I was feeling lost and didn't know what to do. Acting is my passion...but how do I give up playing volleyball? Something I have been doing since the 6th (now in 10th).
Honestly, I did not want to listen to my dad at all this morning. All I wanted to think about was whether my teachers were going to be cool and whether or not my friends and I could easily pick up where we left off with our friendship before we left school for summer break. However, throughout the day, I found myself thinking more and more about what he told me. "Work towards something that means the world to you". I was going back and forth. After a short talk with my drama teacher, she fully persuaded me when she said the fall play was going to be one of my favorite plays of all time "Steel Magnolias". Not to mention, it was turned into an amazing movie including Julia Roberts and Sally Field.
Somehow, today is just seemed like everything fell into place. It's going to be tough telling my coach I will have to give volleyball up, but it will bless me in the long run. I know it. I like volleyball and will always call it my favorite sport to play....but...this girl....LOVES acting. So, this is exactly what I'm going to do. Who knows! I may be telling this story one day on an interview after I've won an Oscar!!!

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