Wednesday, August 18, 2010


For the past month, I have been honored with an amazinggggg opportunity, the opportunity of being confirmed. What does this mean? In the Methodist Church, we believe in baptizing babies. Of course, when they are baptized that have no clue what is going on. The only questions running through their mind is "someone needs to change my diaper". However, this is why we go through the process of "confirmation". This process allows anyone, but specifically youth, to study the Bible and do activites to become closer with God, eventually making them a better person. After a few sessions, you are confirmed and say an oath in front of the whole church.

I was almost in tears when I received my Bible and "confirmed" necklace. It means a lot to me. I've learned so much and truly believe Jesus is my Savior. I know he will be here for me no matter what. I truly feel like a new and improved Christian and now know what it means to live according to him. In my opinion, I believe everyone should go through a process of the kind, just to receive more knowledge of the faith. More than anything I took out of the process that prayer is a great thing. I tend to come to God only when I need him and I vowed to try my best to change that. I can honestly say that I have been making an effort to do so and now it has become so easy.

This reminds me of today in Bible class, when my teacher Coach Hawley, showed us a video of an example when we call on God, sometimes when it's too late. This reminded me of myself in so many ways in the sense that people do that all the time. We tend to forget God and wait until something major happens to call to hi. NEWSFLASH: He will be there no matter what. However, we should make a habit of praying. We should try to come to him for anything. Also, not just praying for yourself. Thank him for things he has done. Ask him for the right way to help someone else, rather than just yourself. In the end, Christianity all comes down to love. Loving yourself, loving others and most of all loving God, can defeat all obstacles. But, these 3 love actions don't come over night. It takes prayer and patience.

I am so happy confirmation taught me these important things about my religion. Therefore, I am proud to say....I AM A CONFIRMED CHRISTIAN!

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