What a weekend, what a weekend, what a weekend. I have to say this once more...WHAT A WEEKEND! Waking up Saturday morning at 9 was perhaps the hardest thing I had to do all week. Saturdays I sleep until 10 and getting up an hour early to do chores made it seem as though my life was over. I do my chores, get dressed, and my mom, little sis, and I go to wal-mart just to get a couple of hygiene materials. But, in a blink of an eye, our whole day changed! We pulled up to the parking lot where tons of teenagers were screaming and the famous R&B station 97.9 the box, was there. Cool, I thought. We went to McDonald's for a quick lunch and to my surprise I find out Ne-Yo a hip-hop artist was going to be there in a little to sign cds and take pictures. The line was SO long and I didn't feel like waiting. But, because of my sister's pleading, my mom and I were forced to go to the garage part of wal-mart, where all the commotion and chaos was. We stood in front of a banner. I just want a peek at him. I thought. But one thing led to another. A member of our church happened to spot my mom. "Hey first lady!" My heart pounded as he asked me what I was here for, "To see him," I said pointing to Ne-Yo's poster. Then, of out nowhere the guy gives my sister and I v.i.p passes so we could skip the huge crowd and meet one of my favorite singers! I got my autograph and my picture! So, again let me say...WHAT A WEEKEND!

You are a celebrity now!